Education Loan

Our Education Loans are designed to help students achieve their academic dreams. Whether you wish to pursue education in India or abroad, we offer loans that cover tuition fees, books, and other essential expenses.

  • Loan Amount – Up to ₹20 Lakh for higher education.
  • Flexible Repayment – Repayment starts after the course completion.
  • Coverage – Covers tuition fees, books, hostel fees, and other related expenses.
  • Quick Processing – Fast approval with minimal documentation.
  • The applicant should be enrolled in a recognized educational institution.
  • Age between 18 and 35 years.
  • Co-applicant (parent or guardian) is required.
  • Admission letter from the institution.
  • Proof of identity and address of the applicant and co-applicant.
  • Academic records of the applicant.
  • Income proof of the co-applicant.
  • Bank statements for the last 6 months.
  • 6% per annual interest rate (subject to the type of loan and borrower profile).
  • 3,896/- (3,300/- refundable upon loan disbursement).
  • Get free health and fund insurance coverage as a value-added benefit along with your education loan.

    Insurance Benefits with Education Loan

    To further secure your educational investment, we offer Health and Fund Insurance with your education loan. This partnership with Insurance Company ensures that students and their families are not burdened by medical expenses during the course of study.


    • Health Insurance for Students: Covers medical expenses for students during their academic years.
    • Accidental Insurance: If a student faces an accident during their studies, insurance will cover hospitalization and medical bills.
    • Fund Protection: Helps secure the educational fund in case of unforeseen emergencies.
    • Life Insurance: In case of the unfortunate demise of the student’s guardian or family member, the education loan and fees will be covered.
    • No Additional Costs: Health and Fund Insurance is offered at no extra cost as part of the loan package.
    • Comprehensive Coverage: Covers medical emergencies, accidental death, disability, and more.
    • Quick Claims Processing: Fast and efficient claims processing for all types of insurance coverage.
    • Cashless Network: Avail cashless hospitalization across a wide network of hospitals.
    • 24/7 Support: Round-the-clock customer support for health-related inquiries and claims.

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